Modern Methods for the Computation of Scattering Amplitudes

Giuseppe De Laurentis

LTP Seminar

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Amplitudes and Cross Sections

Amplitudes are a key element for computing cross sections. At hadron colliders, we have: $$ \displaystyle σ_{2 \rightarrow n - 2} = \sum_{a,b} ∫ dx_a dx_b f_{a/h_1}(x_a, μ_F) \, f_{b/h_2}(x_b, μ_F) \;\hat{σ}_{ab→n-2}(x_a, x_b, μ_F, μ_R) \\[2mm] \displaystyle \hat{σ}_{n}=\frac{1}{2\hat{s}}\int d\text{LIPS}\;(2π)^4δ^4\big(\sum_{i=1}^n p_i\big)\;|\overline{\mathcal{A}(p_i,\lambda_i,a_i,μ_F, μ_R)}|^2 $$
$$\mathcal{A}_{pp\rightarrow h \rightarrow \gamma\gamma} \sim \frac{1}{m_{\gamma\gamma}^2 - m^2_h + i m_h \Gamma_h}$$ $$\Rightarrow\; \text{Breit–Wigner distribution}$$

Perturbation Theory

$$\displaystyle \mathcal{A}_n / \alpha_s^k = \mathcal{A}_n^{\text{tree}} + \underbrace{\left(\frac{\alpha_s}{2\pi}\right) \mathcal{A}_n^{1-\text{loop}}}_{\sim 10\%} + \underbrace{\left(\frac{\alpha_s}{2\pi}\right)^2 \mathcal{A}_n^{2-\text{loop}}}_{\sim 1\%}$$

Better predictions require both more loops and higher multiplicity.

Processes with additional soft or collinear radiation are indistinguishable from the Born.
$\circ\,$ Focus on all-gluon scattering, as a representative example.

multiplicity $(n)$
4 5 6 7 8
loops ($\ell$)
$\circ\,$Three-loop four-point (analytic)
Caola, Chakraborty, Gambuti, von Manteuffel, Tancredi ('21)
$\circ\,$Two-loop five-point (analytic)
  (Leading Color)
Abreu, Dormans, Febres Cordero, Ita, Page ('18)
$\circ\,$One-loop six-point (analytic)
  (Previous results involve taking limits, sqrts, etc..)
GDL, Maître ('19)
$\circ\,$One-loop beyond six-point (solved, but only numerically)
OpenLoops, $\dots$ Recola,  Njet,  BlackHat, 
$\circ\,$Tree (solved)
Dixon, Henn, Plefka, Schuster ('10); $\dots$ Britto, Cachazo, Feng, Witten;  Berends, Giele; 

The structure of
Scattering Amplitudes

Rational and Transcendental
Decomposition in terms of master integrals
Ellis, Zanderighi Bern, Dixon, Kosower;  't Hooft, Veltman; 
$$A^{1-\text{loop},D=4}_{n} = \sum_i \color{orange}{d_i} \color{red}{I^i_{Box}} + \sum_i \color{orange}{c_i} \color{red}{I^i_{Triangle}} + \sum_i \color{orange}{b_i} \color{red}{I^i_{Bubble}} + \sum_i \color{orange}{a_i} \color{red}{I^i_{Tadpoles}} + \color{orange}{R}$$
In general, in $D= 4- 2 \epsilon$, for a suitable choice of master integrals

$$ A^{\ell-loop}_n = \sum_{i \in \text{masters}} \frac{\color{orange}{c_i}(\vec p, \vec \lambda, \epsilon) \, \color{red}{I_i}(\vec p, \epsilon)}{\prod_j (\epsilon - a_{ij})}\;, \quad \text{with} \quad a_{ij} \in \mathbb{Q}$$
Feynman diagram by Feynman diagram
$\circ\,$ Analytic computations can get very complicated very quickly. For example, for $A^{\text{tree}}_{5-\text{gluons}}$:

$\circ\,$This amplitude can be written as just
Berends, Giele ('88) Parke, Taylor ('86), 
$|A^{tree}(1^{+}_{g}2^{+}_{g}3^{+}_{g}4^{-}_{g}5^{-}_{g})|^2 = \frac{s_{45}^{4}}{s_{12}s_{23}s_{34}s_{45}s_{51}}$

How do we compute Scattering Amplitudes efficiently?

Multi-Loop Amplitudes from Trees

$\circ$ Generalized unitarity relates products of tree amplitudes to loop amplitudes
$$ \require{color} \displaystyle \prod_{\text{trees}} A^{\text{tree}}(\vec k, \vec\ell|_{\text{cut}}) = \sum_{\substack{\text{topologies}\, \Gamma, \\ i \in M_\Gamma \cup S_\Gamma}} \colorbox{yellow}{$c_{i,\Gamma}(\vec k)$} \left( \frac{m_{i,\Gamma}(\vec k, \vec\ell|_{\text{cut}})}{\displaystyle \prod_{\text{props}\,j} \rho_{j}(\vec k, \vec\ell|_{\text{cut}})} \right) $$ $$ \left. \begin{aligned} \underline{\text{Master integrals}}: \; & \int d^{D}\vec \ell \; \frac{m_{i\in M_\Gamma}}{\small \prod_j \rho_j} \neq 0 \\ \underline{\text{Surface terms}}: \; & \int d^{D}\vec \ell \; \frac{m_{i\in S_\Gamma}}{\small \prod_j \rho_j} = 0 \\ \end{aligned} \right\} \; \begin{aligned} & \text{Complex} \\ & \text{problem!} \end{aligned} $$

$\circ$ The diagram on the right shows as example a one-loop box coefficient.

$\circ$ In general, need to solve linear systems for the coefficients $c_{i,\Gamma}$.

Analytics from Numerics

Problem: direct analytic computation of the $c_{i,\Gamma}$ is not feasible.
$\circ\,$ Floating-point evaluations ($\mathbb{R}$ or $\mathbb{C}$) would be sufficient for phenomenology.
$\phantom{\circ}\,$ But they are so unstable, even this won't work.
$\circ\,$ Could try rational inputs ($\mathbb{Q}$), but integers grow way too large at intermediate stages.
$\circ\,$ Finite fields ($\mathbb{F}_p$) come to the rescue.
Peraro ('16) von Manteuffel, Schabinger ('14), 
$\phantom{\circ}\,$ These are integers modulo a prime number $p$ (no precision issue!):
$\phantom{\circ}\,$ $\mathbb{F}_p = \{0, 1, 2, \dots, p-1\} \quad \text{with operations} \quad \{+, -, \times, \div \}$
$\phantom{\circ}\,$ The prime $p$ needs to be large, to avoid accidental DivisionByZero .
$\circ\,$ But we can't do phenomenology with $\mathbb{F}_p$ !

Solution: sample $c_{i,\Gamma}$ in $\mathbb{F}_p$ $\;\Rightarrow\;$ reconstruct analytic expression for $c_{i,\Gamma}$

Finite Fields

$\circ\,$ Any rational number, other than multiples of $1/p$, has an equivalent in the finite field $\mathbb{F}_p$.

$\circ\,$ For example, let's work with $p=7$, i.e. with $\mathbb{F}_7 = \{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\}$:

$-1$ is the additive inverse of 1
$\Rightarrow \quad -1=6$ in $\mathbb{F}_7$, because $1+6 = 7 \, \% \, 7 = 0$
$\frac{1}{3}$ is the multiplicative inverse of 3
$\Rightarrow \quad \frac{1}{3}=5$ in $\mathbb{F}_7$, because $3 \times 5 = 15 \, \% \, 7= 1$
$\phantom{\circ}\,$ The Euclidean algorithm allows to compute inverses without checking every entry.
$\circ\,$ Numbers cannot grow out of control!
$\frac{14611884945785561885978841755360860231120837652831038320107}{1853742276676202006476394341472012983521981235200}=1251868773$ in $\mathbb{F}_{2147483647}$
$\phantom{\circ}\,$ $2147483647$ is $(2^{31}-1)$ which is the largest possible value $p$ working with 32-bits.

Analytic Reconstruction

Common-Denominator Ansatz

$\displaystyle c_{i,\Gamma}(\vec x) = \frac{\text{Num. poly}(\vec x)}{\text{Denom. poly}(\vec x)} = \frac{\text{Num. poly}(\vec x)}{\prod_j W_j(\vec x)}$
$\circ\,$ Interpolation in one variable (continued fraction)
Thiele (1909)

$c_{i,\Gamma}(t) = c_{i,\Gamma}(t_0) + \frac{t-t_0}{\frac{t_0 - t_1}{c_{i,\Gamma}(t_0)-c_{i,\Gamma}(t_1)}+\frac{t-t_2}{\dots + \frac{t-t_3}{\dots}}} = \frac{\text{Num. poly}(t)}{\text{Denom. poly}(t)}$
$\phantom{\circ}\,$ Match denominator factors of $c_{i,\Gamma}(t)$ to $W_j(t)$ $\Rightarrow$ obtain the denominator (this is the easy part).
$\circ\,$ The numerator is much more complicated, in general
For spinors: GDL, Maître (2019)
$\displaystyle \text{Num. poly}(\vec x) = \sum_{\vec \alpha} c_{\vec\alpha} \; x_1^{\alpha_1} \dots x_{m}^{\alpha_{m}}$
$\circ\,$ To solve the system must sample as many times as there are undertermined $c_{\vec\alpha}$'s.

Tools of the Trade

$\circ\,$ In practice, using spinors $m = n(n-1)$ and there are constraints on $\vec \alpha$
Gröbner bases $\rightarrow$ constrain $\vec\alpha$
Decker, Greuel, Pfister, Schönemann
Integer programming $\rightarrow$ enumerate sols. $\vec\alpha$

Perron and Furnon (Google optimization team)

$\circ\,$ Solving linear systems with CUDA in $\mathbb{C}$ or $\mathbb{F}_{p\leq 2^{31}-1}$ (currently private code)
System Size Timing
8192 8 s
16384 51 s
32768 6m 30s
with RTX 2080ti 11GB
the absolute maximum is 52440 unknowns

(thanks gpu-Merlin!)

Taming the Algebraic Complexity

Problem: the least-common-denominator form is overly complex.
Its numerator can easily exceed 1 million monomials (e.g. 5-point 1-mass processes).
$\circ\,$ For example, taking homogeneous expressions in 5 variables
$\displaystyle c_{i,\Gamma}(x_1, \dots, x_5) = \frac{\text{126 monomials of degree 5}}{x_1x_2x_3x_4x_5}$
$\phantom{\circ\,}$ but say we knew that $x_1x_2$ don't appear in the same denominator as the others, then
$\displaystyle c_{i,\Gamma}(x_1, \dots, x_5) = \frac{\text{15 monomials of degree 2}}{x_1x_2}+\frac{\text{35 monomials of degree 3}}{x_3x_4x_5}$
Goal: use partial-fraction decompositions,
but how to achieve this without an analytic expression?

The Geometry of Phase Space

based on: GDL, Page (JHEP 12 (2022) 140)

Least Common Denominator Redux

$\circ\,$ Can't draw pictures in high (complex) dimensions, so let's consider the simplified case $\mathbb{R}[x, y, z]$.
$\circ\,$ Denominator factors $W_j$ correspond to singular surfaces .

${\color{orange}W_1 = (xy^2 + y^3 - z^2)}$
Say we have:
$W_1 = xy^2 + y^3 - z^2$
A function $c_i(x,y,z)$ may or may not have $W_1$ as a pole, depending on what happens on the orange surface
$\displaystyle \lim_{W_j \rightarrow \epsilon} c_i(x,y,z) \sim \frac{1}{\epsilon^{q_{ij}}} $

The LCD tells us about what happens on surfaces with one less dimension than the full space.

Multivariate Partial Fractions

$\circ\,$ To distinguish $\displaystyle \frac{1}{W_1W_2}$ from $\displaystyle \frac{1}{W_1} + \frac{1}{W_2}$, look at $W_1 \sim W_2 \rightarrow \epsilon \ll 1$. Geometrically:

${\color{orange}W_1 = (xy^2 + y^3 - z^2)}$

${\color{blue}W_2 = (x^3 + y^3 - z^2)}$

$V(W_1) \cap V(W_2)$
$\circ\,$ Primary decompositions of sets of polynomials ( ideals ), anogous to integers:
$60 = 5 \times 3 \times 2^2$
$({\color{orange}xy^2 + y^3 - z^2}, {\color{blue}x^3 + y^3 - z^2}) = \\ {\color{magenta}(z^2,x+y)} \cup {\color{green}(y^3-z^2,x)} \cup {\color{red}(2y^3-z^2,x-y)}$
Partial-fraction decompositions tell us about the relations between poles.
Upcoming Results
$\circ\,$ First two-loop computation in full color ($N_c$ dependence) for $q\bar q \rightarrow \gamma \gamma \gamma$
Kinematics # Poles ($W$) LCD Ansatz Partial-Fraction Ansatz Rational Functions
5-point massless 30 29k 4k $\sim$200 KB
$\circ\,$ Updated two-loop leading-color amplitudes for $pp \rightarrow Wjj$, now in spinor helicity
Kinematics # Poles ($W$) LCD Ansatz Partial-Fraction Ansatz Rational Functions
5-point 1-mass >200 >5M $\sim$40k $\sim$25 MB
$\phantom{\circ\,}$ First computed in Abreu, Febres Cordero, Ita, Klinkert, Page, Sotnikov (1.2 GB)

Try it yourself

pip install lips pyadic

Thanks for your attention!


Backup Slides

Absolute Values
on the Rationals

$\boldsymbol p\,$-adic Numbers

$\circ\,$ We have again a problem in a finite field 1 is not smaller than 2. In fact:

$|x = 0|_{\mathbb{F}_p} = 0 \quad \text{and} \quad |x \neq 0|_{\mathbb{F}_p} = 1$
$\phantom{\circ}\,$ Can't easily take limits, without dividing by zero.

$\circ\,$ A $p$-adic number $x \in \mathbb{Q}_p$ is Laurent expansion in powers of the prime $p$
$x = a_{\nu_p} p^{\nu_p} + \dots + a_{-1}p^{-1} + a_{0} p^{0} + a_1 p^1 + \dots $
$\circ\,$ The $p$-adic absolute value is defined as (note the minus sign!)
$|x|_{\mathbb{Q}_p} = p^{-\nu_p} \quad \Rightarrow \quad |p|_{\mathbb{Q}_p} < |1|_{\mathbb{Q}_p} < |\frac{1}{p}|_{\mathbb{Q}_p}$
Retain integer arithmetics, while restoring the ability to take limits!

Python Packages


$\circ\,$ Pyadic provides flexible number types for finite fields and $p$-adic numbers in Python.
Related algorithms, such as rational reconstruction are also implemented.
 from pyadic import ModP
 from fractions import Fraction as Q
 ModP(Q(7, 13), 2147483647)
 <<< 1817101548 % 2147483647
 # Can also go back to rationals
 from pyadic.finite_field import rationalise
 rationalise(ModP(Q(7, 13), 2147483647))
 <<< Fraction(7, 13)


$\circ\,$ Lips is a phase-space generator and manipulator for 4-dimensional kinematics in any field, $\mathbb{C}, \mathbb{F}_p, \mathbb{Q}_p, \mathbb{Q}[i]$. It is particularly useful for spinor-helicity computations.
 from lips import Particles
 from lips.fields.field import Field
 # Random finite field phase space point, arbitrary multiplicity
 multiplicity = 5
 PSP = Particles(multiplicity, field=Field("finite field", 2 ** 31 - 1, 1), seed=0)
 # Evaluate an arbitrary complicated expression
 <<< 683666045 % 2147483647
$\circ\,$ It can also be used to generate points in singular configuration.

Spinor Helicity

Representations of the Lorentz group

(Recall: $\mathfrak{so}(1, 3)_\mathbb{C} \sim \mathfrak{su}(2) \times \mathfrak{su}(2)$)
$(j_{-},j_{+})$ dim. name quantum field kinematic variable
(0,0) 1 scalar $h$ m
(0,1/2) 2 right-handed Weyl spinor $\chi_{R\,\alpha}$ $\lambda_\alpha$
(1/2,0) 2 left-handed Weyl spinor $\chi_L^{\,\dot\alpha}$ $\bar{\lambda}^{\dot\alpha}$
(1/2,1/2) 4 rank-two spinor/four vector $A^\mu/A^{\dot\alpha\alpha}$ $P^\mu/P^{\dot\alpha\alpha}$
(1/2,0)$\oplus$(0,1/2) 4 bispinor (Dirac spinor) $\Psi$ $u, v$

Spinor Covariants

Weyl spinors are sufficient for massless particles:

$\text{det}(P^{\dot\alpha\alpha})=m^2 \rightarrow 0 \quad \Longrightarrow \quad P^{\dot\alpha\alpha} = \bar\lambda^{\dot\alpha}\lambda^\alpha$.

In terms of 4-momentum components we have:

$$ \lambda\_\alpha=\frac{1}{\sqrt{p^0+p^3}}\begin{pmatrix}p^0+p^3 \\\ p^1+ip^2\end{pmatrix} \, , \;\;\; \lambda^\alpha=\epsilon^{\alpha\beta} \lambda_\beta =\frac{1}{\sqrt{p^0+p^3}}\begin{pmatrix}p^1+ip^2 \\\ -p^0+p^3\end{pmatrix} $$ $\bar\lambda\_{\dot\alpha}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{p^0+p^3}}\begin{pmatrix}p^0+p^3 \\\ p^1-ip^2\end{pmatrix} \, , \;\;\; \bar\lambda^{\dot\alpha}=\epsilon^{\dot\alpha\dot\beta}\bar\lambda_{\dot\beta}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{p^0+p^3}}\begin{pmatrix}p^1-ip^2 \\\ \-p^0+p^3\end{pmatrix}$
$$ \bar\lambda\_{\dot\alpha} = (\lambda\_\alpha)^* \quad if \quad p^i \in \mathbb{R}; \quad \quad \bar\lambda\_{\dot\alpha} \neq (\lambda\_\alpha)^* \quad if \quad p^i \in \mathbb{C} $$

Spinor Invariants

$$ ⟨ij⟩ = λ_iλ_j = (λ_i)^α(λ_j)_α \quad \quad \quad [ij] = \barλ_i\barλ_j = (\barλ_i)\_\dotα(\barλ_j)^\dotα $$ $$ s_{ij} = ⟨ij⟩[ji] $$ $$ ⟨i\;|\;(j+k)\;|\;l] = (λ_i)^α (\not P_j + \not P_k )\_{α\dotα} \barλ_l^\dotα $$ $$ ⟨i\;|\;(j+k)\;|\;(l+m)\;|\;n⟩ = (λ_i)^α (\not P_j + \not P_k )\_{α \dot α} (\bar{\not P_l} + \bar{\not P_m} )^{\dot α α} (λ_n)_α $$ $$ tr_5(ijkl) = tr(\gamma^5 \not P_i \not P_j \not P_k \not P_l) = [i\,|\,j\,|\,k\,|\,l\,|\,i⟩ - ⟨i\,|\,j\,|\,k\,|\,l\,|\,i] $$

Five-Parton Two-Loop
Finite Remainders

Example Simplifications

uubggg pmpmp Nf1 #3

is equal to $ -\frac{[32]^3 [41]^3}{2 [31]^3 [42]^3} $

ggggg mpmpp Nf1 # 9

is equal to
$-1\frac{[12]³[15][23]⟨25⟩³[35]³}{[13]⁴[25]⟨5|1+2|5]³}+\frac{97}{12}\frac{[12]⁴⟨25⟩[35]⁴}{[13]⁴[25]³⟨5|1+2|5]}$ $+\frac{13}{3}\frac{[12]⁴⟨15⟩[15][35]⁴}{[13]⁴[25]⁴⟨5|1+2|5]}+\frac{1}{4}\frac{[12]⁴⟨15⟩[15]⟨25⟩[35]⁴}{[13]⁴[25]³⟨5|1+2|5]²}$ $-\frac{3}{2}\frac{[12]²⟨25⟩²[25][35]²}{[13]²[25]⟨5|1+2|5]²}+\frac{7}{4}\frac{[12]³⟨25⟩²[35]³}{[13]³[25]⟨5|1+2|5]²}$ $-\frac{43}{3}\frac{[12]³⟨25⟩[35]³}{[13]³[25]²⟨5|1+2|5]}$ $-\frac{25}{3}\frac{[12]³⟨15⟩[15][35]³}{[13]³[25]³⟨5|1+2|5]}$ $-\frac{3}{2}\frac{[12]⟨25⟩[25][35]}{[13][25]⟨5|1+2|5]}$ $+4\frac{[12]²⟨25⟩[35]²}{[13]²[25]⟨5|1+2|5]}$ $-\frac{15}{2}\frac{[12]²[35]²}{[13]²[25]²}$ $+\frac{7}{2}\frac{[12][35]}{[13][25]}$ $-\frac{2}{3}$

Higgs + 4-Parton Amplitude
(@ finite top-mass)

Example of cut diagram

Only singularity involving $m_{top}$ (from pentagon contributions)

$16 |S_{1×2×3×4}| = −s_{12} , s_{23} , s_{34} , \langle 1 |2 + 3|4] , \langle 4|2 + 3|1] + m^2_{top} , tr_5(1234)^2$

We can generate point near this singularity in a similar fashion.

Structure of the coefficients

The massive external leg (the Higgs) is easily accomodated by considering it as a pair of massless particles (think decay products).
In the end all dependance on $P_{Higgs}$ is removed by using momentum conservation.

The coefficients are Taylor expasions in $m_{top}$:

$C^{(0)} + m^2_{top} C^{(2)}$.

with $C^{(0)}$ and $C^{(2)}$ resabling the six-gluon coefficients.