Lips: $p$-adic and singular phase space


I present new features of the open-source Python package lips, which leverages the newly developed pyadic and syngular libraries. These developments enable the generation and manipulation of massless phase-space configurations beyond real kinematics, defined in terms of four-momenta or Weyl spinors, not only over complex numbers (C), but now also over finite fields (Fp) and p-adic numbers (Qp). The package also offers tools to evaluate arbitrary spinor-helicity expressions in any of these fields. Furthermore, using the algebraic-geometry submodule, which utilizes Singular [1] through the Python interface syngular, one can define and manipulate ideals in spinor variables, enabling the identification of irreducible surfaces where scattering amplitudes have well-defined zeros and poles. As an example application, I demonstrate how to infer valid partial-fraction decompositions from numerical evaluations.
